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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Differences Among SSIS 2005, 2008 and 2012

This article explains the basic differences among SSIS 2005, SSIS 2008 and SSIS 2012.
Basically, there are no differences between SSIS 2005 and SSIS 2008 at the architectural point of view, but there are additional features added in SSIS 2008.

Differences between SSIS 2005 and 2008

SSIS 2005 SSIS 2008
Script Task Here users can write the scripts in VB only. Here users can write the scripts in C# and VB.
DataProfilingTask DataProfilingTask is not in SSIS 2005. DataProfilingTask is introduced in SSIS 2008.
Cache Transformation Cache Transformation is not in SSIS 2005. Cache Transformation is introduced in SSIS 2008.
Look Up Transformation In SSIS-2005 for Error Output look-ups had only the following 3 options.
1.Fail Component
2. Ignore Failure
3. Re-direct row
SSIS -2008 added an additional feature “No match Out-Put” to the SSIS 2005.
Cache Mode Cache Mode is not in SSIS 2OO5. Cache Mode is introduced in SSIS 2OO8.
3-Different Cache Mode in SSIS 2008:
Cache Mode Cache Mode is not in SSIS 2OO5. Cache Mode is introduced in SSIS 2OO8.
3-Different Cache Mode in SSIS 2008:
OLEDB Provider for Analysis Services SSIS 2005 does not contains an OLEDB Provider for Analysis Services SSIS 2008 contains an OLEDB Provider for Analysis Services

Differences between SSIS 2008 and 2012

SSIS 2008 SSIS 2012
Undo And Redo No Undo And Redo feature in SSIS 2008 Undo And Redo feature available in SSIS 2012.
SSIS PARAMETERS SSIS Parameters at package level SSIS Parameters at the package level, task level and project level.
DQS TRANSFORMATION No DQS in SSIS 2008. DQS Transformation is available in SSIS 2012.
Change Data Capture (CDC) Introduced in SSIS 2008. But there is no task to support CDC in SSIS 2008. CDC ControlTask available to support CDC in SSIS 2012.
Data Flow TapNo Data Tap Available in SSIS 2008.Data Tap Available in SSIS 2012.


This article attemted to explain the basic SSIS differences in various versions of SQL .

What is the Control Flow?

  • When you start working with SSIS, you first create a package which is nothing but a collection of tasks or package components.  The control flow allows you to order the workflow, so you can ensure tasks/components get executed in the appropriate order.

What is the Data Flow Engine?

  • The Data Flow Engine, also called the SSIS pipeline engine, is responsible for managing the flow of data from the source to the destination and performing transformations (lookups, data cleansing etc.).  Data flow uses memory oriented architecture, called buffers, during the data flow and transformations which allows it to execute extremely fast. This means the SSIS pipeline engine pulls data from the source, stores it in buffers (in-memory), does the requested transformations in the buffers and writes to the destination. The benefit is that it provides the fastest transformation as it happens in memory and we don't need to stage the data for transformations in most cases.

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