Approach: We will create a table with multiple columns of any name with datetype as varchar to store any value. Once table is created we will insert the columns header of the output of your first query then insert the results of the first query. Follow same steps for other queries you want to execute.
For better understanding please check below queries
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblABC](
[A] [varchar](200) NULL, [B] [varchar](200) NULL, [C] [varchar](200) NULL, [D] [varchar](200) NULL, [E] [varchar](200) NULL,
[F] [varchar](200) NULL, [G] [varchar](200) NULL, [H] [varchar](200) NULL, [I] [varchar](200) NULL, [J] [varchar](200) NULL,
[K] [varchar](200) NULL, [L] [varchar](200) NULL, [M] [varchar](200) NULL, [N] [varchar](200) NULL, [O] [varchar](200) NULL,
[P] [varchar](200) NULL, [Q] [varchar](200) NULL, [R] [varchar](200) NULL, [S] [varchar](200) NULL, [T] [varchar](200) NULL,
[U] [varchar](200) NULL, [V] [varchar](200) NULL, [W] [varchar](200) NULL, [X] [varchar](200) NULL, [Y] [varchar](200) NULL,
[Z] [varchar](200) NULL
Declare @aa varchar(100)
set @aa =cast(getdate() as varchar)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblABC] (A)
(Select 'Report Generated on '+ @aa)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblABC] (A) Values
('Server : ' + @@SERVERNAME)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblABC] (A) Values
('Instance : '+ @@SERVICENAME)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblABC] (A) values
(' ')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblABC] (A) values
('>>>>>>>>>>>>>Instance Logins<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblABC] (A) values
(' ')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblABC] (A,B,C) Values
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblABC] (A,B,C)
(select name,dbname,language from syslogins)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblABC] (A) values
(' ')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblABC] (A) values
('>>>>>>>>>>>>>Database details<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblABC] (A) values
(' ')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblABC] (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J) Values
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblABC] (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J)
(Select name,database_id,create_date,compatibility_level,collation_name,user_access_desc,state_desc,snapshot_isolation_state,
recovery_model,recovery_model_desc from sys.databases)
Inserted Data will look like this
Select * from [dbo].[tblABC]
To avoid null run below query
SELECT isnull([A] ,'') as A ,isnull([B] ,'') as B ,isnull([C] ,'') as C ,isnull([D] ,'') as D ,isnull([E] ,'') as E
,isnull([F] ,'') as F ,isnull([G] ,'') as G ,isnull([H] ,'') as H ,isnull([I] ,'') as I ,isnull([J] ,'') as J
,isnull([K] ,'') as K ,isnull([L] ,'') as L ,isnull([M] ,'') as M ,isnull([N] ,'') as N ,isnull([O] ,'') as O
,isnull([P] ,'') as P ,isnull([Q] ,'') as Q ,isnull([R] ,'') as R ,isnull([S] ,'') as S ,isnull([T] ,'') as T
,isnull([U] ,'') as U ,isnull([V] ,'') as V ,isnull([W] ,'') as W ,isnull([X] ,'') as X ,isnull([Y] ,'') as Y
,isnull([Z] ,'') as Z
FROM [master].[dbo].[tblABC]
Output will be like this
Now run below query in PowerShell which will export above data to CSV and skip the columns named A,B,C,D......
$Query = "
SELECT isnull([A] ,'') as A ,isnull([B] ,'') as B ,isnull([C] ,'') as C ,isnull([D] ,'') as D
,isnull([E] ,'') as E ,isnull([F] ,'') as F ,isnull([G] ,'') as G ,isnull([H] ,'') as H
,isnull([I] ,'') as I ,isnull([J] ,'') as J ,isnull([K] ,'') as K ,isnull([L] ,'') as L
,isnull([M] ,'') as M ,isnull([N] ,'') as N ,isnull([O] ,'') as O ,isnull([P] ,'') as P
,isnull([Q] ,'') as Q ,isnull([R] ,'') as R ,isnull([S] ,'') as S ,isnull([T] ,'') as T
,isnull([U] ,'') as U ,isnull([V] ,'') as V ,isnull([W] ,'') as W ,isnull([X] ,'') as X
,isnull([Y] ,'') as Y ,isnull([Z] ,'') as Z
FROM [master].[dbo].[tblABC]
$filee="C:\"+"$(get-date -f MM-dd-yyyy)_Report.csv"
write-host $filee
$results = Invoke-SQLcmd -Server CHRV4204 -Database master -Query $Query |
ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation |Select-Object -Skip 1 |Set-Content -Path $filee
Above script can be execute as job in SQL Server as below
To send attachment via email you can use below script
declare @aa varchar(333) set @aa= convert(varchar, getdate(), 110) select @aa = 'C:\Data\' + @aa + '_Report.csv' select @aa EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'TestMailprofile', @recipients ='', @subject = 'test', @body = 'hi', @importance = 'HIGH', @file_attachments = @aa, @body_format ='HTML' --because
In Excel your output will be like this
For better understanding please check below queries
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblABC](
[A] [varchar](200) NULL, [B] [varchar](200) NULL, [C] [varchar](200) NULL, [D] [varchar](200) NULL, [E] [varchar](200) NULL,
[F] [varchar](200) NULL, [G] [varchar](200) NULL, [H] [varchar](200) NULL, [I] [varchar](200) NULL, [J] [varchar](200) NULL,
[K] [varchar](200) NULL, [L] [varchar](200) NULL, [M] [varchar](200) NULL, [N] [varchar](200) NULL, [O] [varchar](200) NULL,
[P] [varchar](200) NULL, [Q] [varchar](200) NULL, [R] [varchar](200) NULL, [S] [varchar](200) NULL, [T] [varchar](200) NULL,
[U] [varchar](200) NULL, [V] [varchar](200) NULL, [W] [varchar](200) NULL, [X] [varchar](200) NULL, [Y] [varchar](200) NULL,
[Z] [varchar](200) NULL
Declare @aa varchar(100)
set @aa =cast(getdate() as varchar)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblABC] (A)
(Select 'Report Generated on '+ @aa)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblABC] (A) Values
('Server : ' + @@SERVERNAME)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblABC] (A) Values
('Instance : '+ @@SERVICENAME)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblABC] (A) values
(' ')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblABC] (A) values
('>>>>>>>>>>>>>Instance Logins<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblABC] (A) values
(' ')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblABC] (A,B,C) Values
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblABC] (A,B,C)
(select name,dbname,language from syslogins)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblABC] (A) values
(' ')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblABC] (A) values
('>>>>>>>>>>>>>Database details<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblABC] (A) values
(' ')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblABC] (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J) Values
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblABC] (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J)
(Select name,database_id,create_date,compatibility_level,collation_name,user_access_desc,state_desc,snapshot_isolation_state,
recovery_model,recovery_model_desc from sys.databases)
Inserted Data will look like this
Select * from [dbo].[tblABC]
SELECT isnull([A] ,'') as A ,isnull([B] ,'') as B ,isnull([C] ,'') as C ,isnull([D] ,'') as D ,isnull([E] ,'') as E
,isnull([F] ,'') as F ,isnull([G] ,'') as G ,isnull([H] ,'') as H ,isnull([I] ,'') as I ,isnull([J] ,'') as J
,isnull([K] ,'') as K ,isnull([L] ,'') as L ,isnull([M] ,'') as M ,isnull([N] ,'') as N ,isnull([O] ,'') as O
,isnull([P] ,'') as P ,isnull([Q] ,'') as Q ,isnull([R] ,'') as R ,isnull([S] ,'') as S ,isnull([T] ,'') as T
,isnull([U] ,'') as U ,isnull([V] ,'') as V ,isnull([W] ,'') as W ,isnull([X] ,'') as X ,isnull([Y] ,'') as Y
,isnull([Z] ,'') as Z
FROM [master].[dbo].[tblABC]
Output will be like this
Now run below query in PowerShell which will export above data to CSV and skip the columns named A,B,C,D......
$Query = "
SELECT isnull([A] ,'') as A ,isnull([B] ,'') as B ,isnull([C] ,'') as C ,isnull([D] ,'') as D
,isnull([E] ,'') as E ,isnull([F] ,'') as F ,isnull([G] ,'') as G ,isnull([H] ,'') as H
,isnull([I] ,'') as I ,isnull([J] ,'') as J ,isnull([K] ,'') as K ,isnull([L] ,'') as L
,isnull([M] ,'') as M ,isnull([N] ,'') as N ,isnull([O] ,'') as O ,isnull([P] ,'') as P
,isnull([Q] ,'') as Q ,isnull([R] ,'') as R ,isnull([S] ,'') as S ,isnull([T] ,'') as T
,isnull([U] ,'') as U ,isnull([V] ,'') as V ,isnull([W] ,'') as W ,isnull([X] ,'') as X
,isnull([Y] ,'') as Y ,isnull([Z] ,'') as Z
FROM [master].[dbo].[tblABC]
$filee="C:\"+"$(get-date -f MM-dd-yyyy)_Report.csv"
write-host $filee
$results = Invoke-SQLcmd -Server CHRV4204 -Database master -Query $Query |
ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation |Select-Object -Skip 1 |Set-Content -Path $filee
Above script can be execute as job in SQL Server as below
To send attachment via email you can use below script
declare @aa varchar(333) set @aa= convert(varchar, getdate(), 110) select @aa = 'C:\Data\' + @aa + '_Report.csv' select @aa EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'TestMailprofile', @recipients ='', @subject = 'test', @body = 'hi', @importance = 'HIGH', @file_attachments = @aa, @body_format ='HTML' --because
In Excel your output will be like this
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